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Senior Profiles 2023

Samuel Bley

As a designer, I find myself most drawn to the storytelling aspects; pieces such as the illustration, photography, or even just the copywriting itself. When I am designing, I find myself drawn to how the things I create exist in the world and how people will interact with and view a project. Outside of design, I find myself staying creative through illustration and photography, staying active through hiking, walking, and skating around local parks, and staying entertained through countless comic books and concerts.

My advice to future students and designers is to always be prepared and to embrace the studio culture. Spare chipboard or double-sided tape will come in handy when you least expect it and embracing the studio culture and collaborating with your fellow designers can be a great source of inspiration and ideation on your work.


Curt Fry

As a designer with a passion for identity design, I have a keen eye for detail and a commitment to creating designs that are both visually stunning and effective in conveying a brand's message. But my interests extend far beyond the world of design. When I'm not working on design projects, you can often find me out on the water fishing. There's something about the quiet solitude of being out on the water that clears my mind and allows me to recharge my creative batteries. I find that the patience and focus required for fishing often carries over into my design work, helping me to stay focused and keeping my passion of design alive.



Zoe Goldberg

I have been creative my whole life, from guitar and piano lessons at 8 to art classes at 10, I have always loved expressing myself through creativity. I love to travel and go on adventures when I am not designing. I also love to read and creatively write (fun fact I can read 950 words a minute)!

Senior Quote: "If you can't blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your B.S."



Ann Ho

Hi, I'm Ann! I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, and photographer from Philadelphia. For me, my interest in graphic design is centered around the activism of important topics & representation within the design community as I believe that a diversity of voices & perspectives is crucial to the field. Art & design have always been my bread & butter, my home base, and a silly little dream of mine is to paint a mural someday! I'm a huge foodie because I think food is one of the greatest joys in life, and after a short stint studying abroad, it sparked my love of traveling and I want to see as much of the world as I can during my lifetime.

Advice?? One piece of advice I'd share with other young designers & students is that you are going to doubt yourself, it's inevitable. Probably countless times and constantly, and anyone who tells you not to is just being unrealistic, no offense. A little self doubt never hurt anyone and if anything, it makes you a more considerate, empathetic, and caring human so it comes with the territory I think, but the thing is, don't ever doubt yourself, or let others doubt you so much that you lose your spark, your spirit, your fight.



Megan Miller

Growing up I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in some kind of creative field. I’m extremely grateful I was introduced to Graphic Design in high school as it offered me the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skillset in ways I never could have imagined. My favorite projects to work on currently involve illustration, branding and package design. Outside of design, I like to spend my time reading, painting and going on spontaneous adventures.



Ever since high school, I knew I wanted to go into graphic design. I was the tech ed and art kid and I never thought those two passions of mine could create a career. My favorite part about designing is using my creativity to make a positive impact. Outside of designing I am passionate about traveling and photography.



Olivia Parulis

Growing up I have always been an artistic person, from summer camps, to art talent, to taking almost every possible art class in high school. When looking into colleges I knew I wanted to be in a creative field but wasn’t 100% certain on which. Coming to Jefferson for Interior Design, I quickly realized that I had chosen a major where I couldn’t be as creative as I was wanting to be. I was then suggested to transfer to the graphic design program, and I am so thankful for this decision- it has been an absolute pleasure working alongside and growing with you all! Now becoming a designer, I enjoy package design, wayfinding, and branding. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, catching up on new shows/movies, and hanging out with my friends.



As a designer, I find myself drawn to the visual storytelling of design. While, also implementing, design strategy, creative direction and experimenting with different platforms. Outside of design, I love shopping, going out, and trying and exploring new things. Some advice I would give to anyone, is to always work hard, never give up and remember things will always workout in the end.



Anya Ritter

What I love about graphic design is how creativity and exploration are blended with functionality and the technical side of design. I have always enjoyed print design and typography but have recently become interested in learning more about motion design and kinetic typography. In my free time, I love to hike around the East Coast, try out new coffee spots, or hang out with my two kittens.



Lydia Somani

As a designer color is always at the forefront of my work as it is personal and a method of self expression. My design work tends to be more maximalist as I am drawn all things bold and intricate. I like to be playful and explore through different type, shapes, and color to convey messages, ideas, and the things I’m passionate about. Outside of design, I love painting and experimenting with different mediums, accessorizing with tooth gems, creating new outfits, exploring NYC, and dancing to house and techno music. Over the years I have learned to always trust my gut and intuition. Don’t be afraid to go your own route in order to do the things that truly make you excited and happy. Embrace and be proud of who you are and let that come through in everything you do!
