Illo S23 Notable Quotables
Autumn Small
For this project I was tasked with creating a series of three posters that each showcased an iconic figure of my choosing for an exhibit at the Smithsonian. The three people I chose to highlight were Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, and Audrey Hepburn. I chose these three women because they represent Old Hollywood, and also have had a lot of misconceptions surrounding their lives. My goal with designing was to look at these women as filled with many layers and show that behind it all they are still human, and I used quotes from them that I felt were very powerful.
Sienna Viera
These historical figures are important to the hispanic community and history. I created three posters, one for Rita Moreno, Roberto Clemente, and Cesar Chavez, to showcase a quote form each to inspire and remind people why they should be celebrated.
Emma Maddaluna
Taking inspiration from different styles, we were tasked to pick three icons and draw portraits. I chose to focus on Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn as they are well known icons in the movie industry. Though very well known as perfect and beautiful I chose to focus on how they were stereotyped and sexualized in their industry.
Zoe Goldberg
Alex Pessolano
For this project we had to choose 3 historical figures and create posters that would be displayed in a museum exhibit for them.
Daymond Chan-Green
The purpose of this project was to illustrate three historical figure posters that would be used in the Smithsonian Museum. The theme I chose for my posters was historical black athletes throughout time and the athletes I chose were Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, and Jesse Owens.
Matthew Bayer
For the Notable Quotables Illustration Project, I chose three historical photographers to be my historical figures. Because they were photographers, I used their photos in a collage style around a vector drawn portrait of them. Each of their quotes are hand cut out and photographed then digitally arranged
Erika Sheehan
We were tasked with illustrating posters that were dedicated to three notable figures in history. I have always enjoyed learning about historical kings and queens throughout history, so I focused my poster series on famous, memorable queens. The three queens that I illustrated include: Cleopatra from 51 BC, Marie Antoinette from 1774, and Queen Victoria from 1837. My illustration style emphasized their extravagant clothing and incorporated details in the background that brought the essence of each queen to light.
Ann Ho
"Notable Quotable Illustrated Portraits were created as a series of retrospectives on remarkable historical figures for the Smithsonian Institute. This series honors three iconic children’s book authors who have made transformative contributions to the United States and its people, featuring beloved children’s book authors Arnold Lobel, Marcus Pfister, and Shel Silverstein.
Arnold Lobel was an American author & illustrator, best known for creating the Frog and Toad book series; Marcus Pfister is a Swiss author & illustrator most notable for the children’s picture book The Rainbow Fish; Shel Silverstein was an American author & poet known for his numerous whimsical books such as The Giving Tree, Where the Sidewalk Ends, and A Light in the Attic. "
Nicole Mambuscay
Daniel Gentner
We were given the chance to illustrate three historical figures of our picking accompanied by a quote from them. My series was based on "The Pillars of the Counterculture," or people who played a significant role during the countercultlure and antiwar movements of the 1960's.