D2 S23 Icons
Anna Leonard
For our first project, we were tasked with designing an icon system based on our given item. My item was a colander. While researching, I found several uses for the colander, but I decided to focus on pasta. I created three icons representing different pasta shapes: conchiglie, farfalle, and cavatappi. I designed these icons to be elegant and clean. I pictured this icon set being used as a labeling system on pasta box packaging. I also utilized another icon set representing the steps to boiling pasta on the spines of the boxes.
Anna Leonard
For our first project, we were tasked with designing an icon system based on our given item. My item was a colander. While researching, I found several uses for the colander, but I decided to focus on pasta. I created three icons representing different pasta shapes: conchiglie, farfalle, and cavatappi. I designed these icons to be elegant and clean. I pictured this icon set being used as a labeling system on pasta box packaging. I also utilized another icon set representing the steps to boiling pasta on the spines of the boxes.
Brendan Frank
For this project, students were assigned a random object and tasked with creating an icon set around that object. The object I was assigned was a rubber band. I created an object research map to find ways that rubber bands could make an icon system. I figured that rubber bands are often used as slingshots due to their elastic properties, so I decided to create an icon system based on the sorts of labels found on the sides of packages for toys. They represent the action of shooting a slingshot, hitting a target, and hitting a person.
Brendan Frank
For this project, students were assigned a random object and tasked with creating an icon set around that object. The object I was assigned was a rubber band. I created an object research map to find ways that rubber bands could make an icon system. I figured that rubber bands are often used as slingshots due to their elastic properties, so I decided to create an icon system based on the sorts of labels found on the sides of packages for toys. They represent the action of shooting a slingshot, hitting a target, and hitting a person.
Michell Tlapaya-Flores
In this project we were assigned random objects to create an icon system. My random object was a balloon. I decided to use cards as a way of showing how balloons can be used for different types of celebrations. Along with using balloons I also use these bear characters. I use these bear characters because I wanted to give the sense of comfort And have something cute to represent my system.
Michell Tlapaya-Flores
In this project we were assigned random objects to create an icon system. My random object was a balloon. I decided to use cards as a way of showing how balloons can be used for different types of celebrations. Along with using balloons I also use these bear characters. I use these bear characters because I wanted to give the sense of comfort And have something cute to represent my system.
Kristine Guenther
When created this icon system I was given an object. The object was ballpoint needles and that led my research into the world of sewing. I created an icon system that shows the steps on how to thread a needle. After watching many YouTube videos I tried to create a system using Gestalt principles that best presented an accurate tutorial. I then put these icons into context by including them in a sewing 101 book where I included other illustrations I made during this whole process.
Nick Laszlo
Olivia Kriley
For this project, we were tasked with creating a system of icons based on an object that we were assigned. My object was a plastic spoon, so I decided to go in the direction of focusing on it being a single use item. These icons depict a set of utensils, a salad, and a drink, meant to be a way of finding the location of these items. The location of this icon system would be used in a dining area, such as a cafeteria or a food court.
Roman Reed
For this project, we created an icon system for the same object from the beginning of the year. I created a set of icons for hardware store items. I picked these icons because tape was used to stick stuff together and people that had less money would resort to tape to fix household breaks. I used an example of a store sign to show the context of these icons. I pictured these icons in an urban hardware store not necessarily like a Home Depot.
Roman Reed
For this project, we created an icon system for the same object from the beginning of the year. I created a set of icons for hardware store items. I picked these icons because tape was used to stick stuff together and people that had less money would resort to tape to fix household breaks. I used an example of a store sign to show the context of these icons. I pictured these icons in an urban hardware store not necessarily like a Home Depot.
Samuel VandenHeuvel
For this project we had to create a realistic Icon system that derived from a random object. My object was measuring cups, and through exploration and research I came up with the idea to make an icon system related to food. I tried to go a little more untraditional by using a breakfast, lunch, and dinner theme, which proved more difficult than I previously anticipated. This icon package would primarily be used in restaurants, specifically diners.
Samuel VandenHeuvel
For this project we had to create a realistic Icon system that derived from a random object. My object was measuring cups, and through exploration and research I came up with the idea to make an icon system related to food. I tried to go a little more untraditional by using a breakfast, lunch, and dinner theme, which proved more difficult than I previously anticipated. This icon package would primarily be used in restaurants, specifically diners.
Aray Contreras
The purpose of this icon set is to be used on clothing labels. They instruct the owners of how to wash, dry, and take care of their clothes. The inspiration behind these icons come from clothespins and their history in laundry. In addition, techniques of gestalt were used such as symmetry and similarity. Since these icon sets are universal I wanted to stick to details that would allow someone to identify the icon. For instance I purposely included the water swirling in order to indicate it's a washing machine. The machine dryer has squiggles as air and the shirt is clean and symmetrical to show its folded.
Aray Contreras
The purpose of this icon set is to be used on clothing labels. They instruct the owners of how to wash, dry, and take care of their clothes. The inspiration behind these icons come from clothespins and their history in laundry. In addition, techniques of gestalt were used such as symmetry and similarity. Since these icon sets are universal I wanted to stick to details that would allow someone to identify the icon. For instance I purposely included the water swirling in order to indicate it's a washing machine. The machine dryer has squiggles as air and the shirt is clean and symmetrical to show its folded.