D2 S23 Poster
Aray Contreras
Obesity has been on a rise over the past years and is a serious issue. Latin America has one of the highest cases of obesity and I decided to look at the dietary habits within these cultures. I noticed that many people from Latin American countries drink soda like Coca Cola everyday. I decided to tackle this problem by displaying an inflated coke with text that reads “A coke is not one coke…it’s 44g of sugar” in order to emphasize that sugar could cause obesity. The style of the poster as well as the typography was inspired by posters from the 50s.
Michell Tlapaya-Flores
In This project we were assigned to create a poster about a global problem. I've decided to choose something that was very personal to me, which was deportation problems in the United States. I made it clear in my poster that asking for help was not something that should be punished.
Nick Laszlo
For our second project of the spring semester, our class was tasked with creating a poster that addresses a social, political, or cultural issue that we considered important. Because I was born in Montana, I know that over over development is a real issue in places like Montana. So I decided to create a poster which stood against de-forestation. After conducting research on the topic and creating mind-maps, I decided on basing my poster off a hand (tree stump) with only one tree standing where the middle finger should be. This conveys the message of standing by our forests, as well as the tree itself standing against the act of de-forestation.
Samuel VandenHeuvel
For this project we had to create a call to action poster using the screen printing method. We therefore were limited to constraints I have yet to deal with, the main one being only using two colors. I decided to bring awareness to plastic contamination within our ocean. I utilized a black, yellow, and white color palette to convey a feeling of urgency and to fit with the context of a warning sign.
Anna Leonard
For our second project, we created and screen printed a social action poster on a topic of our choice. I decided to go the environmental route, as I was taking a sustainability course at the same time. I included an image of Mother Earth with the words “Save Her.” We were constricted by only being able to use two colors to screen print, so I decided to go with green and blue. I utilized the white of the paper by creating a negative space outline of the portrait and text.
Olivia Kriley
For this project, we were asked to consider important social issues that we see in our society today and create a poster that reflects the importance of a chosen issue. I decided to design my poster around the topic of how the human footprint in nature can have a negative effect on ecosystems leading to the loss of animal habitation. Whether it be through deforestation or leaving trash behind, the poster serves as a reminder to respect nature. This poster would be most effective in a National Park or hiking trail that is visited frequently.
Brendan Frank
For this assignment, the students were tasked with creating a social action poster that revolved around a present social issue. One constraint the students has was that the design could only use two colors, plus the color of the paper. I settled on making a poster that protested against gun violence. I used white paper, made a black background, and chose a blood red to make the design pop, and swapped the letter o in the words with bullet hole shapes to make the message even more clear.
Roman Reed
This project we created is our first screen print. We had to choose a current event to tackle and create a poster to bring awareness to. I chose social media addiction because I feel like a lot of people in my generation suffer from this. It's so normal for our generation to be on our phones that nobody talks about it. I used a yellow background to bring viewers in and give it some pop. Other than that, my design is pretty simple and to the point.
Kristine Guenther
In our last project we had to create a social action poster. After creating a mind map with peers we had generated many ideas. I chose to create a poster around the current issue of unrealistic beauty standards and social media. In my poster it represents the feeling of having to change yourself in order to meet these standards created on social media. Beauty is pain and that pain often feels like pressure to look and act like others.