D2 S23 Zine
Aray Contreras
My assigned object at the beginning of the year was a clothespin. For the zine I wanted to show how crafts at a young age can spark creativity and critical thinking. The zine is a story of a bored child that creates a whole world with basic craft materials like paint, paper, and crayons. However, as the child grows up they struggle coming up with ideas. Until they go back to the basics steps with doodling and getting inspired by their surroundings which leads them into creating a breath taking design.
Anna Leonard
For our final project in Intro to Graphic Design, we returned to our initial given object. When looking back at my research on the colander, I found a history of straining liquids to create drinks, such as wine and juices. I decided to create a zine about the story of an orange, following it from being picked off the tree to becoming orange juice. I used original artwork when creating this zine, combining watercolor, digital art, and photography.
Brendan Frank
For this project, we had to return to the object we were randomly assigned at the beginning of the semester. From this object, we had to create a narrative of some kind. My assigned object was a rubber band. As I research rubber bands, I remembered silly bands, and how they could come in all sorts of shapes. Using animal shaped rubber bands, I wanted to create a short and playful story, one reminiscent of children's storybooks. I photographed the rubber bands and inserted them into digitally drawn backgrounds and arranged the panel to resemble a progressing story.
Kristine Guenther
For our last project we were asked to create a 12 page zine that reflects a story. Using my object research map I drew ideas and wanted to create a zine that shows the story and emotions of prom. Using pictures from my friends and I's prom each spread represents the girl getting ready compared to the boy. I used photoshop to edit the photos in order to give them a feeling of being lost in the fantasy and excitement that is prom. I also added a ticket envelope for the zine.
Michell Tlapaya-Flores
For this project we were asked to create a 12 page zine inspired by our original object that we had in the beginning of the semester. Since my object was a balloon I decided to create a little story about the journey of a balloon. Along the way at the balloon and counted all these different flying objects as it was making its way to the sky. All the art here was done by me.
Nick Laszlo
Olivia Kriley
For this project, we had to create a zine centered around the same object we were assigned at the beginning of the year. My object was a plastic spoon, so I wanted to explore what the tool can be used for. The story in my zine depicts the steps of baking a cake, from first finding the recipe to mixing all the ingredients together. Because the process is something that I find to be both familial and chaotic, I drew doodles overtop the pictures while organizing everything in a collage to bring an element of comfort and familiarity to the zine.
Roman Reed
For this project we were tasked with creating a zine from our original item back in the beginning of the semester. My original item was tape. After creating a research map and looking over all the possible directions. I chose to make a zine with the premise of gum. I chose gum because before they invented tape they would use gum to hold certain things together. Gum acted as an earlier version of tape, so in that sense they are very similar. I wanted to take a fun creative spin on gum, thus why I used gumballs. They are colorful and who doesn't love gumballs.
Samuel VandenHeuvel
For our final project we were asked to create a zine focusing on a process of some sort, we were asked to avoid text for the most part. For this I looked back to my project map and what stuck out to me was how my object, a measuring cup, was first mentioned in a cookbook. I then came up with the idea of making a chocolate chip cookie process zine. To make it a more exciting story I personified the ingredients to make it appear they are cooking themselves.