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Senior Review S21

Senior Showcase

Project: Capstone

In their final semester, seniors develop a research-based, self-authored capstone project. We ask them to identify an opportunity or problem where design can play an important role. As graphic designers, there’s no boundaries on how our creativity can improve, support, educate, or facilitate an experience. Often the capstone comes from a personal experience or interest and the results of the student’s efforts are large-scale, multi-component design experiences that address a variety of diverse and complex problems.


Hannah Bloom


Typography has always been something fascinating to me. I thought it would be interesting to go through the process of designing my own display typeface. For my capstone project, I decided to design a display typeface inspired by plants and Art Nouveau.


Carmen Cordero


Problem: As young adults (21-30) with Down Syndrome leave the K-12 education system, they become vulnerable to depression, social withdrawal, diminished interests and coping skills due to the limited amount of support services that exist for adults.

Solution: Mira is an educational tool that promotes participating in various activities outside of the home, while also reinforcing the knowledge the young adults received during their K-12 education. The Mira tablet game takes the user on various trips of their choice. The trips are broken down into 4 steps: See, Learn, Explore and Remember. Each step considers the needs of the user and reinforces different life skills. By encouraging curiosity and adventure, young adults can live their lives to the fullest.


Noel Cucuzza


The problem that has occurred is through observation is that baking activities are not typically developed for people with dementia and Alzheimers. Complex multiple-step activities might be challenging for people with Dementia or Alzheimer’s; they might forget how to do the task or how to perform it. Simplifying recipes or dividing tasks is critical for this idea to work.


Jonathan DiRienzi

Dungeoneer's Pack

With COVID-19, social interactions have been severely reduced, widening any gap between less socially adept kids. Social anxiety in teens is usually high, and there is a certain outlet that can be used, but it has been harder due to the pandemic. Enter, Dungeoneer's Pack, an app experience that gives tools to teens to improve their lack of social acuity through using the channel of Dungeons & Dragons. Dungeoneer's Pack utilizes play therapy, drama therapy, and cooperative play to tackle this issue.


Riley Forrest-Bank


DYNAMIC is a streetwear fashion brand aimed at inspiring confidence and creativity in young adults. What we wear is how we present ourselves to society, but society continues to judge the creativity in the way we dress. We are expected to conform to the standards and suppress our expression. With DYNAMIC, I created three collections with specific themes that relate to feelings young adults may face and inspire them to express those feelings through their style.


Sarah Looney

I am

The problem that has arisen is the low quality of support schools provide to students who have learning disabilities. Even with current LMS Software, learning barriers continue to persist due to its accessibility limitations. This is why I created ‘I Am,’ an all-in-one accessibly driven LMS software that provides students with assistive technology tools to ensure they stay on top of tasks, properly comprehend reading materials, and complete written assignments in the form that best fits their needs.


Logan Perrin


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is still a relatively new concept in the health field, with official scientific research beginning in 2015. The little amount of research about the topic can cause a lot of confusion in the PCOS community. This is why when women find out they have it, they feel alone and overwhelmed with all the various research outlets they have to find. How might we create a resource for women with PCOS to have a place where they can find out about PCOS and the various lifestyle changes they can make while also helping them build confidence in their bodies? Venus exists to help you along on your Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) journey. We want to change the perspective on what it means to have PCOS and make it something you celebrate about being yourself. You are more than you’re PCOS, and we want you to embrace that. We exist to help women better understand their bodies and give them the tools to be more confident in their skin.


Dawson Skipper


Sendit4theSea aims to educate people on the carbon cycle and how pollutants can disrupt it. Currently in Biscayne Bay we are witnessing the tragic events that occur when pollutants manage to fully disrupt an ecosystem. By working to educate people on specific elements of their communities and what they can do to make a difference, we hope to be able to bring the Bay back to its former self.


Julia Swayser


In today’s society social media is more present then ever, and the negative impact of this is beginning to take a toll on young women. The toxic space is sparking more and more young women to be insecure, unhappy with their bodies, and depressed. Filtrd's mission is to create safer and more positive social media usage by giving users the tools to navigate the toxicity on social media.


Hannah Tobinus


Athlon is an organization in which aims to aid collegiate athletes with their mental health. Athlon provides information on specific mental health conditions, ways to address them, and provides assistance to athletes that they are not quite ready to talk to professionals about.


Ian Walker


The overall mission of Cre8 is to help LGBTQ youth discover mindfulness through art and other creative activities. Through this Cre8 will help teens find a sense of calm and comfort, give the opportunity to express and externalize feelings and find connection and validation through a sense of community and shared experience.


Maria Woyden


Because of the superficial world we live in, there is an epidemic of confidence in our society. At Metanoia, we promote confidence from within using our unique Table of Confidence. We strive to empower emerging adults to master their mind and take control of their life using our community and resources. Our goal is to help develop their mindset into what they want it to be and guide them towards making an extraordinary life. With the experience of personalized journals, digital resources, and a mentoring community, we believe that integrating these principles into your life is what will inevitably lead to confidence that is long-lasting and non-superficial.