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Junior Review S21


Educational Entity

Students created a brand experience for an educational entity or subject of their choosing. They also ‘pitched’ this project like a freelance assignment: they created a proposal, then developed two visual approaches for their entity and then, once one direction was approved, they created digital and print expressions of the final brand.


Brandon Bittner
Learning a new instrument is a fun, but not so accessible hobby. Music lessons can be expensive, and online courses/videos suffer from the lack of live 1-on-1 interactions to explain what you’re doing right or wrong and promote growth. Duet is an online music education platform that allows musicians to instantly connect with other musicians at any time in order to help make personal music instruction accessible and convenient to squeeze into busy lives.

Peyton Dobson
This is the educational entity project of advanced branding where we had to pick a topic to teach the public about. The deliverables we had to create were a digital asset, a print asset, and a brand extension. I did my project on delta-8 THC by showcasing that most people don't know what it is and it has cliche branding. I wanted to fix this problem by creating a sophisticated brand that has a friendly essence to invite the user to try this new product. I designed a brochure, an app, vape cartridge packaging, flower packaging, edible packaging, topical packaging, tincture packaging, and a T-shirt.

Jee Ea Gay
The problem here is that this oppression has gone on for a long time -- but for certain people, they haven't even heard or learned about it until now which is understandable because this has been an ongoing quiet and silent situations even after the war and to the point where it's becoming an everyday normal life style for the Karen people and it is rare to see such news because its been treated as normal situation, which is why it's not getting the coverage that it used to. The objective is to bring news of this conflict back to the attention of leaders and activists. To attain that objective, Silent Mist is a non-profit whose focus and purpose will be to raise awareness about these important issues. The non-profit will also collect donations to support the Karen people by communicating through website, brochure and ads campaign.

Tessa Pena
Panorama is an exhibition that seeks to challenge the misconceptions surrounding visual impairments. We understand the difficulties of getting people excited to learn about a seemingly mundane topic, as well as the importance to spread accurate information to avoid harming any individuals with these conditions. As a result, Panorama takes able-bodied users through a unique experience that displays numerous kinds of eye impairments via compelling, interactive exhibits.

Jen Spencer
Mondo is a personal assistant and app for people with ADHD/ADD that was created after I realized that there was no central app with all of the functions that someone with ADHD/ADD may want and need. The solution was to create an app with features such as calendars/planning, meditation, app blocking, and even messaging to converse with Mondo. The overall purpose of Mondo is to help people refocus and stay on task, ensuring that they get everything done that they may need to in the easiest and most organized way possible.

Anna-Marie Belfon
There is a strong sense of disinterest and lack of education on global warming and its severity. On top of this, there aren’t any composting companies out there willing to multitask and educate the public on how useful composting is. This company solves these problems by serving as an educational entity, offering a booklet, app, and starter kit dedicated to teaching the public about the harmful effects of composting and the benefits of compositing and sustainable living.

Matthew Michalak
Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person's overall health and well-being. It is so important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day. The problem I saw and wanted to focus on was the overwhelming amount of sleep loss among young adults and teens. Having said that, I saw an opportunity to create Snooze, an educational entity that feels soft, relaxing, and informative. I wanted to create something that will help young adults and teens learn about the importance of sleep and how getting more of it could change their lives forever.

Antonia Milas
It's no secret that K-12 art education is on the decline in the US due to tighter budgets and schools’ occupation with measurable determinants of success (i.e. SAT scores). Yet, even minimal exposure to the arts is proven to increase students’ performance in academic classes. smArt is a nonprofit speaking to K-12 educators, spreading awareness of the arts’ benefits to students, as well providing easy curriculum guides for integrating art lessons into pre-existing academic classes, eliminating the need for potentially expensive arts-only classes if the schools cannot afford them. The brand also introduces interactivity in its touch points, such as a booth at teachers’ conferences inviting users to doodle, to better engage with the audience.

Nick DiNallo
Blue.Dot is an oceanic conservation and educational entity that has tasked themselves with preserving and protecting the oceans. Blue.Dot sets the new standard for marine sustainability as an umbrella organization that encompasses all efforts to clean and maintain a healthy ocean. Blue.Dot networks existing marine conservation efforts with a goal to create a strong community of like-minded individuals that have joined forces to tackle the issue at large with a wide-spread range of efficacy. Join the fight today.

Katie Fulcher
An immersive experience that allows for the audience to experience what it’s like to be a woman in all its glory.
People (mostly men) can be completely unaware of their actions and how they may be interpreted. The only way one could learn is to live in the shoes of a woman.
Solution: Have people immersed in this content. They are bombarded with vulgarity. Visitors have no choice but to interact.

Joshua Goode
For Project 3 we had to make an educational entity. I decided to make a non profit organization called "Always Brighter Outside". The goal for Always Brighter Outside is to improve the mental health of the younger generation by informing and encouraging them to go outside. I wanted to create an entity that is modern, approachable and markets to the younger generation. We want to be the light at the end of the tunnel that helps the younger generation face themselves and get to the other side. For this project, I designed a book/pamphlet, an app, and Postcards and stickers.

Maura Farrell
+Spectrum is an Educational Entity that is working on a path to expand educational opportunities for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) within schools K-12. Many schools within some states of the U.S. that don’t have access to necessary resources for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our objective is to make sure that all schools have easier access to existing resources in a single location.

Cole Tomko
Rhythm is a non-profit organization bringing awareness to rock n' roll musicians dealing with bipolar disorder. With a look and feel of rock and metal bands that creates a familiar connection to the fans, creating an easier understanding while educating fans who may have the same issues or wanting to know more.

Bella Dwyer
Know Queer is an educational tool for the queer youth. Our mission to connect queer youth to their past and present. We make learning and current resources accessible and presented in a way that is fun and easy to interact with.


Brand Audit & Refresh

In this project, students conducted primary and secondary research into a locally-based company's brand. They then proposed two approaches for a visual refresh based on their findings.


Anna-Marie Belfon
The Di Bruno Bros is a successful market, however struggles with catering towards too many audiences, and having different brand personalities across multiple platforms. They also have a very masculine logo which sometimes contradicts their attitude. I have solved this problem in the first territory by: producing branding that reduces the masculine appearance of the logo and making it more neutral and feminine. I solved the second issue of multiple personalities by curating a color palette to mimic their funky yet friendly personality, and a logo that feels more approachable and neutral.

Peyton Dobson
For the second project of advanced branding we had to create two design territories for a brand refresh. I did my design on Campbell's soup, one direction was a brand evolution and the other was a brand revolution. For the evolution, I created branding that has a fresh organic feel by using a chunky soft serif type as my wordmark. Along with the incorporation of the colors of a tomato since they are known for their tomato soup. In the revolution, I flipped the brand on its head by designing a funky extra bold typeface for my logo type. Also, I used the C in Campbell's as a corporate logo along with my wordmark. I pushed the brand out of its general look by using bright colors with a modern layout on the cans of soup.

Tessa Pena
This project seeks to take an existing brand and design two directions for possible brand refreshes. The first direction focuses on giving United By Blue more personality. More spirit, more confidence, and a clear mission to create a place of hope and happiness for our oceans. The second direction aims to emphasize United By Blue’s goals and values. Boosting the dirty work, organic material processes, and the sustainable practices that it takes to restore the seas.

Jen Spencer
These are two suggested rebrands for the popular sweet treats company Tastykake. After performing extensive research on competitors, existing brand assets, target audiences and brand strategy, I chose two different directions for two separate rebrands. The first is directed at the younger target audience with a focus on being expressive, youthful and playful, whereas the second is directed at the older audience with a focus on being decadent, seductive and rich.

Antonia Milas
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is one of, if not the, best pediatric hospital in the US. They are a recognizable and trusted brand, yet an issue the hospital as a whole faces is that going to the hospital can be an especially scary and stressful experience for children, and by extension, a scary and stressful experience for their parents as well. This rebrand explores how to emphasize safety and security with its assets to put parents more at ease with choosing to place their children at CHOP. The first direction leans more towards catering to children through a warm and friendly attitude, and the second emphasizes CHOP’s status as a cutting-edge institution.

Brandon Bittner
In its current state, Septa's brand doesn't evoke many positive feelings in the minds of its riders due to issues such as unreliability, poor cleanliness, and lack of safety measures. I have proposed to directions to reposition their visual brand in order to solve these issues. The first direction is based on being utilitarian, structured, and trustworthy. The second direction is based around being bold, expressive, and cultured.

Katie Fulcher
Direction 1: Evolutionary. Earnest, Trustworthy, Classic. 2021 is the 100th year of Pep Boys. Using ‘The Boys’ back in the logo to bring back a classic, trustworthy, and friendly approach to the much loved local brand. Celebrating their business and their stability.
Direction 2: Revolutionary. Authentic, Explore, Neighbor. Those who are not of the male demographic struggle with their vehicle maintenance in a male dominated industry. this direction allows for the brand to take a more unisex approach to erase the hyper-masculine mechanic stereotype

Problem: Originally targeted towards do it yourself-ers. now has targeted to both DIYers (male-dominated) and DIFM (do it for me). They struggle with getting the female demographic to feel comfortable in their stores/asking for help. Solution: Shift the brand to be more gender inclusive and welcoming by boosting the trustworthiness and stability of their company.

Maura Farrell
The second project this semester was a rebrand for a popular local company Tastykake. There are two separate rebrands for this company that were created. The first holds closer to classic family and older generations of customers. The second focuses more on the kids and a playful aspect of the cake brand.

Cole Tomko
The second project was to rebrand a local company with 2 direction paths for a rebrand. The company I rebranded for was Pepboys. The first path is a step in new direction as Pepboys stays to their roots, this path is a step into the future. Keeping up with the future of cars, this look creates a bright future for the company and the future of cars. The second path is sticking to their roots, with the look and feel of a classic car showing the past never goes out of style.