creative mapping SHOWCASE
Bio Map
This project asks students to create a map that weaves a personal narrative through geographic and temporal dimensions. This project will challenges students to think creatively about how their life's data can be transformed into an engaging visual story. Students explore the art of mapping as a tool for self-expression, uncovering surprising connections and patterns in your own experiences while practicing the techniques of cartographic design.
East Falls Creativity Map
The East Falls Creativity Map engaged students to work collaboratively to create an interactive map that will expand our community’s knowledge of contemporary and historic creative achievements at TJU with a focus on the East Falls campus. This map is intended to document and showcase the rich tapestry of creative endeavors occurring at or around the Jefferson East Falls campus. With the guidance of the Creativity Core Curriculum committee, the project integrates historical research with information design and prototyping technology to produce a prototype of a functional, multidimensional map.
Anna Leonard, Emma Prushan, Hanna Zelcer, Annika Zitto
The East Falls Creativity Map is an interactive website that expands on the Thomas Jefferson University community’s knowledge of contemporary and historic creative achievements on the East Falls campus. This map documents and showcases the rich tapestry of creative endeavors at or around the Jefferson East Falls campus. The project integrates historical research with information design and prototyping technology to produce a functional, multidimensional map.
Radical Cartography
In our interconnected world, we navigate complex pathways daily. From the multifaceted connections of the World Wide Web and human genome mapping to the diverse modes of communication, visualizing these complex territories helps us uncover patterns and see intricacies that might otherwise remain hidden. This project asks students to visualize a dataset on a subject of social, cultural, or political significance, revealing insights and stories that might not be apparent at first glance.