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Thomas Jefferson University | visual Communication Design

We invite you to explore the stellar work from each of our Spring design studios.

To our 23 graduating seniors, we commend your steadfast focus and dedication during this unique time. You belong to a new generation of designers who are redefining the way we learn, work, and live. We are so proud of you, congratulations!


introduction to graphic design

Freshman Review: Monday, May 4th, 2:00pm
Freshman explored visual form, abstraction, communication, and metaphor. Projects include social action posters, a zine, and icon systems.


advanced typography

Sophomore Review: Monday, May 4th, 4:00pm
Sophomores honed their core typographic skills. Projects include a collection catalog & web site, and environmental infographics.


advanced branding

Junior Review: Monday, May 4th, 6:00pm
Juniors took a systems-based approach to branding and identity. Students collaborated to conceptualize an educational brand, and individually designed various brand touchpoints.


graphic design capstone

Senior Exit Interviews: Monday, May 4th – Wednesday, May 6th
Seniors created complex, multi-component design projects rooted in a semester-long research process. Students also developed their final portfolios.

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Experiential Graphic Design

Review: Wednesday, May 6th
Juniors and Seniors explored visual communication as it applies to our experiences in the built environment. Along with a series of design exercises that explore different aspects of this emerging profession, students designed solutions for the pediatric unit of the Jefferson Abington Health Foundation campus.

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Introduction to Service Design

Review: Monday, May 11th
Juniors and seniors looked beyond the product experience and widened their view to an end-to-end service experience. In the first project students audited the university library service, and redesigned 3 touchpoints. In the second project, students researched, conceptualized, and defined a new service before designing one of the touchpoints.